The story begins when a woman, named Saki, tries to find a job to hide from a bar gang, since she had worked at a bar before. She ends up getting a job at a Maid cafe called Meido no miyage (Maid's gift). She is the third maid to be joining the cafe. She is homeless and lives in a 24-hour internet cafe.
Obviously, as a maid in a maid cafe, she has to dress up as a maid, serving otaku customers looking for company and relaxation after, say, a long day of anime shopping or a night of waiting in line to score the perfect autograph to go on the perfect piece of anime/manga/game related merchandise. Needless to say, this world is completely foreign to Saki, but despite some initial discomfort, she tries to make the best of her situation.
Cast: Mako- Saki, 小田切理紗 - Miyabi, 藤田真梨子 - Himeko, Kentaro Nakakura - 根岸肇, Takeshi Yoshikoa - 前野貢, 中倉健太郎 - Hajime, 越村雄一 - 銀角,Andre - 金角.
Running Times: 84 minutes.
You can order this movie in NTSC DVD (Wide 16:9 format) from here. Warning: NO ENGLISH SUBTITLES!
Visit official site of this movie at (it's in Japanese, but you can browse the translation page in English).